Things went Sweden's way initially when Mexican quarterback Roberto Isaias Vega was intercepted by Swedish defensive back Ville Olsson, but Sweden was unable to capitalize as an unnecessary roughness call brought then back 15 yards abd then Mexico struck.
The Swedes proved to be no match for Mexico, who led through a 15-yard Roberto Isaias Vega touchdown pass to Diego Viamontes and had amassed 20 points by halftime. Swedish defensive lineman Bjorn Elmlund had sacked Vega on a second down play at the 15-yard mark, but the Mexican offense proved too powerful on third down.
Vega ran a score in himself from two yards out after Sweden had turned the ball over on the edge of the end zone then hit wide receiver Viamontes who was wide open in the middle for the first down, leading to a 22-yard David Antonio Aceves field goal. Aceves added a 19-yard field goal to the two extra points he had tagged on earlier.
After a Sweden field goal attempt was blocked, Mexico scored through the air again in the third quarter to underline their dominance with a 29-yard pass from Vega to Sergio Gonzalez. Vega pitched his third touchdown pass of the afternoon in the third quarter when he hit Sergio Gonzalez from 29 yards.
Linebacker Pontus Westman started off the fourth quarter with a sack on the 35-yard line forcing Mexico into a fourth down situation but quarterback Erick Sedano passed to wide receiver Edmundo Ramos for a first down, then running back Davis Alexis Paz took a hand-off and rushed 10 yards to bring Mexico to first and goal.
Mexico then opened an unassailable 34-point lead when Jose Carlos Lozano scored on a four-yard dash.
When Octavio Fernandez came in at quarterback for Mexico, he pitched a 33-yard touchdown pass to Juan Carlos Maya to complete an emphatic victory.
"We were happy with this game and I feel we beat a very good team," said Mexico head coach Ernesto Alfaro del Villar. "This is our first step in this world championship and we hope for more performances like this. "
Wide receiver Maya added: "It was amazing to see the support in the stadium from all the Mexican fans. It is great to see all those people and to win for them."
Sweden head coach Jan Jenmert said: "We built everything on a plan with a camp here and had a great opportunity to play here at this level, but obviously our plan did not work out. "We knew they would score on us and planned for that, but we did not generate anything on offense to overcome that as we had planned to. We need to learn why we were nervous and overcome by the occasion."
Mexico - Sweden 41:0